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KCCI Tackles Suicide With A SMILE

By March 14, 2021No Comments2 min read

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The Kingaroy Chamber Of Commerce and Industry has launched a program – dubbed SMILE – in a bid to address the issue of suicide in the local workforce.

SMILE stands for “Supporting Mental Health through Information Leadership and Education”.

It was unveiled at the KCCI’s March meet’n’greet which was held on Monday night at South Burnett Care’s function room.

The get-together was hosted by local MP and former KCCI secretary Deb Frecklington and attracted about 80 businesspeople.

The story of a local employee who recently took his own life was shared from the stage by his boss as a stark reminder of what is happening too often in our region.

The employee – whom has chosen not to name – in hindsight had shown signs he had problems but “ticking the box” of referring him to an employee assistance program had not been enough.

The death left his boss and his workmates reeling.

Chamber president Damien Martoo said the problem was “real” and the Chamber was not going to let it just “slide under the table”.

“We are going to throw real resources at this; we are going to throw real money at this, and we are going to ask more people to throw money at this as well to provide training in business,” Mr Martoo said.

“Watch this space.”

If you or someone you know needs help, call: