Leaving Jackson
Experience LEAVING JACKSON this year. After performing sold out shows throughout Australia and New...
Experience LEAVING JACKSON this year. After performing sold out shows throughout Australia and New...
First Nations Training Strategy at Murgon DDSW Region Busines Basics Workshop Are you a first...
First Nations Training Strategy at Murgon DDSW Region Busines Basics Workshop Are you a first...
Upon the success of the November 1, Small Business HUB at KCCI where six employers...
Upon the success of the November 1, Small Business HUB at KCCI where six employers...
The Meals Project
Salvation Army Hall, 109 Kingaroy St
Wednesday 10 April 2024
5:30pm start
Urgently RSVP to Marietta at secretary@supportalliance.org.au
This sponsored event will introduce you to how our community is supporting those who are struggling or homeless, by providing a free meal.
Leading the conversation will be experienced estate/succession planning and corporate lawyer, Brett Heading, Chairman of Partners at Hamilton Locke who will share his experience and insight in:
Securing your legacy
Achieving intergenerational harmony
Avoiding the common journey pitfalls
DESBT Backing Small Business at the Hub
Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce & Industry Hub, 195 Kingaroy Street
Tuesday 23 April 2024
From 9:00am - 2:00pm
Use your Fashion to make a Social Statement.
Join us for breakfast for the official launch of the 2024 South Burnett Relay for Life Campaign with special guest Chris 'Choppy' Close, on Wednesday May 15 at Kingaroy RSL from 6:30am
Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc Invites you to our next Meet & Greet....
Kingaroy Rugby League Clubhouse
Thursday 23 May 2024
9:00am - 4:00pm
Expressions of Interest by email to